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Why Donate?

The Royal Rosarian Foundation supports programs for youth, with preference givento programs that offer educational and personal enrichment to at-risk children; Topreserve the history and traditions of the Portland Rose Festival, the Portland RoseSociety and the City of Portland; and, to inspire the public with a sense of pride in agreater community. Our goal is to raise $100,000+ in support of these initiatives.

Virtual Paddle Raise
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Paddle Raise $5000 $0.00

Paddle Raise $2500 $0.00

Paddle Raise $1000 $0.00

Paddle Raise $500 $0.00

Paddle Raise $250 $0.00

Paddle Raise $100 $0.00

Paddle Raise $0.00

I would like to make a donation


For additional information or questions please contact:
Lord High Sheriff Michelle Veentjer
Auction Chair
971-222-5797 or mlveentjer@gmail.com