Dear Rosarian Foundation Members, Friends and Supporters,
First Lady Colleen and I welcome you to the 28th Annual Rosarian Foundation Auction and Gala. This annual event is the primary source of funding for the Royal Rosarian Foundation and its charitable activities. The net proceeds of tonight’s event help support the Portland area’s most vulnerable citizens, children from low income and at-risk families.
As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, our Foundation spends its funds in many locally based charitable ways. Our Field Trip Program provides funding for transportation to elementary schools in Portland, David Douglas, Reynolds and Hillsboro School Districts in school sponsored off-site educational experiences. In addition, we provide support to the Community Transitional School, a Pre-K through 8th grade private school for Homeless Children.
Our Foundation also supports the Rose Festival Foundation by providing grants that help support various Rose Festival Community Outreach Programs. In addition, we provide support to the City of Portland and Travel Portland through our traveling float which goes to many festivals and parades throughout the Northwest and British Columbia inviting visitors to the Portland area.
We are thankful to you our Friends and Fellow Rosarians for your attendance tonight and hope you enjoy your evening with us.
Prime Minister Michael and First Lady Colleen Ware
Royal Rosarians